Human Capital Consultants International

NEW! Proven Coaching Process Identifies Your Leadership Gaps And Develops The Necessary Skills To Bring Your Most 
Powerful Leadership Abilities To The Table. Today!

The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
Don’t Just Drift Through Life— Anchor It 
With A Personal Growth Plan And A 
Leadership Coach Who Holds You Accountable. 
    Get Instant Access To A World-Class Leadership Coach And Coaching Resources
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
Don’t Just Drift Through Life— Anchor It 
With A Personal Growth Plan And 
Leadership Coach Who Holds You Accountable. 
Access To A World-Class Leadership Coach And Coaching Resources
Be The First To Know When LCC™ Opens For Enrollment!
There Has Never Been A More Important Time In History For You To Unleash Your Full Potential.

How To Unlock Your Potential And Start BEcoming The Leader You'd Want To Follow. 
In As Little As 30 Days. 

The Leadership Coaching Challenge

From: Leyda Lazo, SHRM-SCP
Miami, Florida

What does 'One Coaching Conversation Away' mean for you?

For everyone it's different...

For some of you, you want to close your leadership gaps, and inspire those around you to get great results.

For others,  you want to be the kind of leader who drives others to reach their full potential but it can be difficult knowing where to start.

And for others of you, you're looking for that ONE coaching conversation that will help you to have MORE IMPACT on the world!

"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." 

Lucius Annaeus Seneca said that, and he was right.

It seems like so many people try to go it alone these days. They figure things out on their own, from how to solve problems to how to grow as a person. However, because of that, they spend a lot of time “reinventing the wheel” and learning from their own personal experiences— of both success and failure.

I did the same thing when starting out professionally. I thought I had to know everything, and I was afraid to ask questions, for fear of looking foolish. 

My name's Leyda, Executive Coach and founder of the Leadership Coaching Challenge™, author of the Executive Coaching Guide™ for HR professionals and Human Capital Consultants International℠.  I'm passionate about equipping you to discover the simple, yet empowering truth that "Leadership can be learned, one behavior at a time."

For the past 15 years, I’ve been sharing real-time cutting edge, HR strategy, direction, support, and professional coaching opportunities with hundreds of HR professionals, executives, and coaching clients from all around the globe...

And here’s what I know...

Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. 

I've devoted the last 15 years of my career as a top leadership coach for senior leaders and their leadership teams to make sure you won’t have to.

I’ve seen that all leaders face many of the same challenges. But when they overcome the persistent behaviors threatening to undermine their success they rise to new levels.

Difficult team dynamics, disparate agendas, and individual egos all put you at risk of not getting the results you want. This is never more concerning than when it’s time to take on a new challenge.

That's why I developed The 30-Day Leadership Coaching Challenge™ coaching curriculum. 

It is transformational coaching used by some of the best leaders in the world to get to the top of their game and stay there.

It's the personal growth program that will challenge and refine you to become the greatest version of you.

As a certified John Maxwell and ICF coach, I can see what you are going through now and what is up ahead. 

Coaching is foreseeing, paving the way, coming alongside you while helping you achieve goals and overcome limiting paradigms.

I will show you in thirty days what it takes others twelve months or sometimes an entire lifetime to achieve. 

If you’ve got the ambition and passion to radically redesign your future, then this is the program for you.

We don’t live in the same world that we lived in at the beginning of this year… and if you are not keeping up with this rapidly changing world, you risk being left behind.

In times of uncertainty, crisis and change, the world needs skilled leaders now more than ever before. 

In this time of upheaval,  you can either get caught in the storm and suffer, or you can use this time to innovate, create and master your skill set to launch into a thriving and successful future.
I'll Help You Do Bigger Things Than You've Done Before! 
You want to be a leader who motivates your team to make great things happen. But something is holding you back.

Leadership is hard, but identifying what’s getting in the way doesn’t have to be.

Becoming a more powerful leader means knowing when to ask for help. The best leaders don't do it alone. 

I’ve made it my goal to continually grow, especially in the area of leadership.  I have enjoyed the opportunity of working with great leaders and mentors throughout the world; the experience has served as the basis for the information within this powerful program. For over 15 years, I have coached CEOs, HR professionals and senior leaders in the world’s premier companies to develop their leadership skills, build aligned, collaborative teams, and overcome obstacles to drive results for their organizations. 

In my Leadership Coaching Challenge™ executive group coaching program, I will guide you through a proven process to identify your leadership gaps and develop the necessary skills to bring your most powerful leadership abilities to the table.
It's Impossible To Maximize Your Potential Alone.

With The Leadership Coaching Challenge™ You’ll Get The tools and Support you need to take advantage of this growth season. You will:

  • Discover the surprising and critical factors that are holding yourself  back. 
  • ​​Uncover new tools and confidence to breakthrough limitations, and skills to inspire and empower others.
  • ​​Create a monumental vision and robust growth plan for your career that reignites your passion and purpose. 
  • Get clear and focused on the goals and objectives that will radically change your life.
  • ​Gain actionable growth strategies and tools to grow yourself and others beyond your wildest dreams.

Who Is The Leadership Coaching Challenge™ For? 

Please Check All Where Your Answer Is YES!

Are you an HR or Talent Management Professional who wants to refocus, realign, and transform your career and organization, but you have NO IDEA WHERE to start?
Are you serious about growth and hungry for more? Are you passionate about serving others at the highest level, but for some reason you're feeling stuck?
Do you want to separate yourself from almost everyone else—or at least the remaining 97 percent of the population that don’t give thoughtful contemplation to their life’s desires?
Do you want direct live access to an expert who can help you with your growth and performance goals?  
Do you want an executive coach with trained eyes and ears to hold you accountable and help you with ANY question you have
Are you trying to figure out a way to improve your leadership skills, influence others, or have a bigger impact on the world?

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Want To Invite You To Join the Leadership Coaching Challenge™ And Change Your Career and Life Forever! 

So, Here Is How The Challenge Works...
(Should You Choose To Accept It…)
The challenge costs $97 to join
This covers your materials during the challenge including assessments and the exclusive Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report (more info on this below). 

With the Leadership Coaching Challenge™, I could easily charge 
$1000 for the full 30 day challenge…

Probably even $2,000, or more, but...
All You Pay Is $97!
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™

Here's Exactly What You're Going to Get FREE

When You Join The Leadership Coaching Challenge™Today!

The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™ offer

Total Value: $3,664

If you want to maximize and leverage key areas to become a more effective, and  powerful LEADER, learn the daily actions, practices, and behaviors that will enable you to LEAD your career, team and your organization to lasting success, then this is the mission I'm giving you...

Do YOU Accept?

Access To A World-Class Leadership Coach And Coaching Resources
The Leadership Coaching Challenge

SHRM Recertification Credits

The Leadership Coaching Challenge™ addresses three critical behavioral competencies (Leadership and Navigation, Communication, and Relationship Management) as outlined in the Society of Human Resource Management Body of Knowledge and Competencies (SHRM BoCK™). 

SHRM Certification has approved The Leadership Coaching Challenge™  for 5 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification. 
Here Is Your Mission,
(Should You Choose To Accept This Challenge…)
Your Challenge Is To TAKE ACTION 
And Complete The Assignments Given To You, 

Every Day For 30 Days 

Access To A World-Class Leadership Coach And Coaching Resources
The First Thing You’ll Get Access To Is the Leadership Coaching Challenge™ 

This challenge is designed to help you uncover blind spots, identify the leadership gaps impacting your ability to achieve results and further develop as a leader in just 30 days

You will find all the leadership development tools and support you need to lead powerful, positive change through values-based leadership. 

This is NOT a quick fix. I don't believe in quick fixes or shortcuts to personal development— or to anything else worthwhile, for that matter.

The Leadership Coaching Challenge™ is the farthest thing from a quick fix pill. 

Nor is it therapy (and I am definitely not a therapist). It’s also not a way to fix people because people are NOT broken—we are all perfectly imperfect.

Yes, there will be some prep-work involved…
Yes, there will be daily assignments

I won’t do the work for you, I will be there for you day in, day out, holding you highly accountable and not allowing you to continue to perpetuate what isn’t working.

But every day, you’ll be taking steps toward building the career and the life you always dreamed of!  

Great leadership is about so much more than what you know.

Learning to be a great leader means digging deep within yourself and showing up every single day with the courage to connect with others and to confidently take the risks needed to see your biggest wins. 

This requires uncovering what’s holding you back from being the best leader you can be.

Whether you’re facing a new challenge or looking to grow as a leader, the Leadership Coaching Challenge™ can shortcut years of executive coaching and give you the traction you need to dramatically improve how you show up as a leader — all in one 30-day experience.

I Will Empower For 
30-Days Through The Following Growth Sections...

Self-Discovery Growth

Deep confidence in self and start showing up as a more powerful leader.  Get clear on your purpose and direction. You’ll invest time in assessing your values and getting the clarity needed to achieve your goals.

The Leadership and Coaching Challenge™  will give you the traction you need to grow as a person so you can move your organization and your life in the direction you want.

Self-Leadership Growth

Powerful commitment to purpose. 
Engage in purpose-driven personal growth built on the strong foundation of a transformational coaching curriculum to produce target guidance specific to the unique challenges of leadership at every level. 

Maximize your potential with heightened awareness, intentional actions, and consistent life habits.

Personal Growth Plan

Accelerate and grow your leadership.  Plan for your success and build positive momentum through my structured growth plan.  

Focus on concrete action steps designed to produce measurable progress and develop a personal plan to achieve your goals for yourself and your organization.

Strategic Leadership Growth 

True connection to others and courage to lead. Customize your coaching experience by focusing on the strategic leadership growth you need most. 

You’ll grow your commitment to life-long learning while cultivating the attitude, skills and practices required to transform you into an exceptional  leader.


You know something’s missing but you can’t quite put your finger on it. 

It’s your LEADERSHIP GAP. Every leader has one. So how do you close it? 

First, we'll need to assess your own leadership practices and identify your key areas for improvement. This is how you’ll become a leader who brings out the best in those around you. 

The Leadership Inner Circle™

Surround yourself with a growth-minded community. 
Besides learning from me, participants of the Leadership and Coaching Challenge™ are able to engage in a vibrant and relevant online community of high-performing leaders – those who desire to grow and learn from each other. 

Learning from other participants in a safe group environment is essential to your success.
But above all else…

The Leadership Coaching Challenge™  will give you the blueprints, the skillset, the insights, the tools, the strategies and even the secret sauce…to finally create immediate impact and compel lasting, positive change in others. You’ll discover what motivates people, how to harness the power of influence in yourself and others to achieve a greater vision for humankind at every level. 

Imagine being able to step into any situation and make a real difference in the quality of not only your life but the lives of others. I have used this proprietary leadership training system for decades to transform the lives of thousands— and you can use it too!
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
This Challenge Is NOT For Everyone!
If you want to watch every day of the challenge, and say “Thanks, Leyda! That was some great info!” 

...but never actually do anything with it, that’s entirely up to you.

(But chances are, nothing will actually change in your career…If that’s what you want to do, then this challenge is probably not for you).

Unfortunately, knowing what to do and doing it effectively are entirely different things.

If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work for 30 days…

If you need a good hard PUSH from a coach who will hold you accountable, and make sure that you get these assignments DONE (no excuses!)...

Then we invite you to accept the The Leadership Coaching Challenge™, break your bad habits, rediscover how to get the results you want, and start creating momentum in your career and organization!

So, What's The Catch...? 
I'm doing this challenge because leadership development is my consuming passion

My mission is simple: Help successful people achieve positive, lasting and measurable change in behavior; for themselves, their people and their organizations. 

My vision is to help successful people around the world become great leaders by showing them how to harness the collective energy of those around them so they can achieve great things together. 

That’s my why, my purpose, my reason for being. 

It’s what I was born to do.
Here's My Guarantee To You...
I guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, show up to the weekly live calls, implement what you learn, by the time the challenge is done, you will maximize and leverage key areas to become a more effective, powerful leader and learn the daily actions, practices, and behaviors that will enable you to lead your career, team and your organization to lasting success.

I 100% I guarantee you will get the best service, best coaching, best training and the best platform for making this real above anything you have ever experienced.

If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then you can email our support team within 30 days and receive a full refund.* (Minus your Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report)

Pretty simple.  

Coaching has never been more affordable.

But if you're like most people, this experience will change your career, your organization (and for some of you, it'll change your life!)

How can I have such a powerful guarantee?

Because I've devoted the last 15 years of my career as a top leadership coach for senior leaders and their leadership teams to make sure you won’t have to. I know how to make this work for you unlike anyone in this business. 

This exact coaching challenge and information has produced incredible results for countless of HR Professionals all around the world and I know you can be next. 

Imagine how it will feel to discover what motivates people, how to harness the power of influence in yourself and others to achieve a greater vision for humankind at every level.

So could this challenge be worth $1k, $2k or even $5,000 dollars? Yes!!! Well today, all you have to say is “maybe” and the gift is yours… for $97!

All you need to do is click on the blue button below and join the waitlist right away. 

The Leadership Coaching Challenge™ waitlist is the digital version of a red carpet. 

Get ready to be treated like a VIP! You’ll receive email alerts for special bonus offers and be notified as soon as the doors open so you get in ahead of the crowd.
Here's What To Do Next...
From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and join the waitlist!    

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

Every leader, every team, every organization has a leadership gap. When you join the Leadership Coaching Challenge™ executive group coaching program today (for just $97), you can start closing your gaps and finally see dramatic improvements. 

I'm also going to give you the Leadership Coaching Journal™ digital ebook, (act as a day-by-day companion guide to the Challenge)...Assessments and the exclusive Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report. 

PLUS, you’ll get a full 30 day experience where you work with myself. The Leadership Coaching Challenge™ is designed to maximize your learning power in a hands-on, small-group environment. It will help you do deep and transformative work more effectively than ever before. 

Oh, and if for some reason you don't love the challenge - Email us and we'll refund your money.  

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?! Join the Leadership Coaching Challenge™ waitlist today!

If you’re ready to start or continue your journey to being the kind of leader others look up to, I'm here to help.

Join the Leadership Coaching Challenge™ waitlist today!

Access To A World-Class Leadership Coach And Coaching Resources
Be The First To Know When LCC™ Opens For Enrollment!
So, If You Are Thinking, "Maybe I Should", Please Do! You Simply Can't Lose! You'll Be Glad You Did. 
There has never been a more important time in history for you to unleash your full potential.
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
The Leadership Coaching Challenge™
Join The Waitlist TODAY!
Don't Just Take My Word For It. 
Find Out For Yourself!


Join The Waitlist Today!


Reserve Your Seat!


Jumpstart Your Growth Season! 
There Has Never Been A More Important Time In History For You To Unleash Your Full Potential.
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Human Capital Consultants International is proud to have Recertification Provider status. Partnering with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management, allows us to offer the highest quality programs that qualify for recertification credits for the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM–CP®) and SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP®) credentials. 
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