Discover! NEW Guide Helps Thousands of HR Professionals To Structure Coaching Conversations On The Spot ... Today!
Discover! NEW Guide Helps Thousands of HR Professionals To Structure Coaching Conversations On The Spot ... Today!
How To Fast-Track Your Coaching Conversations Results... for
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How To Coach And Influence Your Managers To Do Right Thing!
How Any HR Professional Can Structure Coaching Conversations 
On The Spot In As Little As 10 Minutes ...Guaranteed!
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How To Fast-Track Your Coaching        Conversations Results...for
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 How To Coach And Influence Your Managers 
 To Do Right Thing!

How Any HR Professional Can Structure Coaching Conversations On The Spot...Guaranteed! 
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New! Here's What Every HR Professional 
Needs To Know About Coaching!

...HR Has Never Been More Crucial For Success Than It Is Now. 

From: Leyda Lazo, SHRM-SCP
Miami, Florida

Now more than ever we're entering a brave new world of work where HR is critical for successful navigation. 

84% of US workers agree that poorly trained managers create a lot of unnecessary stress and work.  

50% believe their performance would improve if their direct manager or supervisor had better people management skills. 

No matter your current focus, function, or experience level...It's time for you to lead the way.

Hi, I'm Leyda, Executive Coach, HR professional and founder of HCCI®.

For the past 16 years, I’ve been sharing real-time cutting edge, HR strategy, direction, support, and professional coaching opportunities with hundreds of HR professionals, executives, and coaching clients from all around the globe...

What works, what doesn’t.

And here’s what I know...

Every day you’re being pulled in so many directions...

Employee Engagement & Retention, Open Enrollment, Succession Planning, L&D, Payroll, HR Compliance, Talent Development, DE&I initiatives, daily coaching conversations with employees, managers, and senior leaders…

Just to name a few...

Your Role Has Only Intensified in The Last Couple of Years...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Threw Employers and Employees Into Chaos and Uncertainty, 
With No Clear End in Sight. 

We operated in crisis mode for much of 2020 and the first half of 2021, figuring out how employees could work from home, trying to provide mental and physical health support, and working more than ever on C-level strategies to keep our organizations functioning...

Including recruiting and retaining employees during this pandemic... 

You had to quickly learn how to follow and implement official guidelines on sanitization and social distancing. 

In 2021, our focus turned to vaccinations and...recruiting and employee retention.

You transform workforces and communities through reskilling, upskilling and designing new career pathways...

You provide support, guidance, advice, counseling, mentoring, a shoulder to cry and an occasional joke to keep things from getting too serious...

You adapt to new technologies, embrace change, new ways of doing business, and despite all the challenges…

You Move the Agenda Forward Always Taking Care of Your Organization and Your People.

I know you have many items that need to be tackled every day and at times it’s difficult to focus on one core HR functional area.

I also know you mean business and you don't like wasting time. Right?

You are someone who is passionate about supporting, equipping and empowering leaders with the right coaching so they can make better decisions.

Coaching is a powerful way to equip people for success, but it can be difficult to know where to start or how to be effective. 

Most coaching programs are expensive and time-consuming, and they don't always give you the tools you need to be successful.

You may have read all the books and tried all the techniques, but you still don't feel confident in your ability to lead and coach. Maybe you're not sure what your vision is or how to get your team on board.

The Performance of Your Company Is Directly Tied To The Performance of Your Employees...

And...Nearly 70% of Managers Are Uncomfortable 
Communicating With Their Employees... 

If uncomfortable managers shy away from doing basic management duties...

And, avoid giving feedback, offering praise, showing vulnerability, providing direction, or communicating in general, they’re not helping the bottom line. 

Poor employee performance will go unaddressed. 

Top performers won’t feel recognized. 

Employees may distrust their managers and not admit mistakes. 

Efficiency and productivity won’t be as good as they could be, and that’s money down the drain.

Great managers maximize the potential of every team member and drive your organization’s growth.

They coach everyone, not just poor performers.

Great Managers Know Each Employee Has Unique Strengths to Grow and Weaknesses to Overcome. 

Great managers find and create margin through intentional behaviors to support, guide, encourage, empower and coach their teams.

They know that coaching works best when employees assume ownership over their own professional development and improvement. 

They also know it’s a collaborative approach, not a top-down one. 

A good leader asks questions to facilitate dialogue so staff comes to the solution on their own. A manager tells them, “This is what I would do.”


“How can I train and coach my managers on how to coach their employees?”

"How do I address the feeling that they don't have the time to coach?" Or... how do I respond when they say that coaching doesn't work in their "fast-paced organization/industry?" 

“How can they go from managing to also LEADING others?”

“How can they go from boss to coach?”

My answer is through you—you can use the skills you acquired in coaching as a means of changing the conversation up the chain. Your change in behavior will begin to transform the environment in which you operate. 

Your goal as an HR leader is not to try to convince your managers and leaders why they should coach but to get your managers and leaders to realize the value of coaching. 

Coaching the Coaches & Leading the Leaders.

As an HR professional, If You’re To Be 
A Credible Teacher of Leadership, You Have to Know How To Coach.

There is no more effective means for learning than hands-on experience...

If you want to transform a manager into a coach

It’s a good idea to give them the opportunity to experience coaching firsthand...Implicit or Explicit

Having a manager coached by you will accomplish two things:
  • It will enable your manager to experience the benefits of coaching.
  • They will become more committed to coaching as a method for developing others.

HR is frequently asked to "coach" managers, executives and employees.

In my experience, they're really being asked to give feedback.

Which is important, but different.

There are so many different coaching styles and techniques out there that it's hard to tell what works best for your employees.

I know when I was an HR manager, having a coaching methodology, a list of powerful questions, and understanding the difference between coaching and consulting, would have benefitted me immensely.

For These And Many Other Reasons...

I put together this amazing guide for HR Professionals called "The Executive Coaching Guide, What Every HR Professional Needs to Know™."

A Must-Have Enhancing Coaching Skills Guide.

Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About 
Coaching Conversations ... Fast!

The Executive Coaching Guide ⁠—What Every HR Professional Needs to Know⁠— makes it easy for you to learn the foundations of professional coaching and common coaching models used in successful organizations today, so you can position yourself as a coach (and trusted partner), build critical coaching skills and strengthen your company’s current and future leadership bench.

If you've been losing key talent or stuck in the middle of a coaching conversation without knowing what to ask next, then this guide is the answer you've been looking for

The Executive Coaching Guide  is a ‘get right to the point’ compilation of my best Coaching Secrets...

Insider tips, strategies, techniques, and little-known formulas that have helped me take many teams from low-performing to high-performing, cohesive, agile teams in just a year.

And what’s great is that these ‘secrets’ and resources are short, sweet, and get right to the meat of the matter when it comes to executive coaching.

The Executive Coaching Guide is a comprehensive resource that teaches HR professionals everything they need to know about becoming an effective internal executive coach through easy-to-follow coaching models. 

All you have to do is swipe and hack every single tip, trick, and time-tested strategy for YOUR organization.

These coaching secrets and resources are ready to implement NOW!

Claim your access now and we'll get you started immediately.

Here’s Just A Taste of What You Get Inside

 The Executive Coaching Guide™

Leyda Aleman (Lazo), SHRM-SCP | Executive Coach & Founder of HCCI®

Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover:

  • ​The ONE THING that matters most in coaching engagements (watch what happens to the coaching relationship!). (page 58)  
  • Detailed step-by-step Coaching FRAMEWORKS plus The #1 Coaching Model successful organizations use today.(page 19)  
  • ​Samples of coaching questions. I’m happy to share them with you here...because this can add more value to you and your team than just about ANYTHING else! (page 72) 
  • When and How You Coach. (page 49)  
  • ​Discover the different coaching approaches(page 16) 
  • ​Use these three additional coaching models that work! Plus MORE coaching questions. (page 35) 
  • ​How to use silence strategically in coaching. (page 70) 
  • ​How to assess progress and commitment. (page 62) 
  • ​Learn the ONE THING you need to know about formal and informal coaching sessions. (page 67) 
  • ​Tips and tricks to help you prepare for your coaching interactions(page 74) 
  • How to develop ​essential coaching skills. (page 72) 
  • Questions to Avoid When Coaching. (page 102) 
  • Samples of effective and powerful coaching questions illustrating the different stages of coaching models. (page 19 & 40) 
  • And So Much More...

SHRM Recertification Credits

The Executive Coaching Guide for HR Professionals addresses three critical behavioral competencies (Leadership and Navigation, Communication, and Relationship Management) as outlined in the Society of Human Resource Management Body of Knowledge and Competencies (SHRM BoCK™). 

SHRM Certification has approved the Executive Coaching Guide: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know for 3 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification. 

You’re Going to LOVE This! 

WAIT! We’re Not Done!

You’ll Also Get My Proven Executive Coaching Toolkit™ for HR Professionals That Makes It Easier Than Ever For You To Jumpstart Your Professional Coaching Engagements This Is Going To Blow You Away!

  Claim Your Special Offer Now and  Get These FREE Bonuses!

Get Immediate Access to 
These Essential Coaching Tools!

- A checklist for you to structure your intake sessions. Feel more confident and prepared for your first professional coaching engagement. 

- A Coaching Progress Report Template – A quick and easy way to document your coaching sessions.  Make your documentation a powerful tool of communication. I know, I have been there too! Document, Document, and Document. You don’t have to figure this stuff out on your own! 

- A comprehensive and uncomplicated Coaching Framework including powerful questions YOU need to ask during the different stages of this time-tested and proven coaching model. 

- A Mini Blueprint for you to enhance your questioning skills right away.

- A Coaching Skills Assessment Tool. Evaluate your coaching skills and bridge the gap between your today and your future.

At This Point You Might Be Thinking "This Sounds Great, But There's Gotta Be a Catch, Right?"

There's NO CATCH!

I'm doing this because leadership development is my consuming passion. 

My mission is to help HR professionals achieve positive, long-term and measurable change. 

That’s my why, my purpose, my reason for being. 

It’s what I was born to do.

All you need to do is click on the yellow button and you can get started right away (even if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!).

Now, this Executive Coaching Guide for HR Professionals offer can't last forever... So don't wait!

Here's My Guarantee To You...

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this guide, or I'll return your $7.00 and let you keep the guide and bonuses anyway.

That's right. Just email me and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sound fair?

All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. 

You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your coaching guide! 

Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With 

 The Executive Coaching Guide™ 

 The Executive Coaching Guide™ ($17.95 Value)

This guide makes it easy to learn the foundations of professional executive coaching. You will instantly learn how to structure coaching interactions, structure powerful coaching conversations, and make "My Development" the reason employees stay.

 The Executive Coaching Toolkit™ ($87.00 Value)

This Toolkit for HR Professionals makes it easy to ask powerful, life-changing questions, document the coaching process and jumpstart your professional coaching engagements right away. 

Act Now And Get These Incredible Bonuses...

Growth Is The Only Guarantee That Tomorrow Will Get Better

 BONUS #1: 100 Powerful Coaching Questions ($47 Value)

This guide holds the key for you to ask clarifying and provocative questions, facilitate self-discovery and decision making so you can start coaching your managers and become a master of asking. TODAY! 

 BONUS #2: Coaching Inventory for Managers (Self)™ ($87 Value)

This Instrument is the secret for you to assess your managers' coaching strengths which lets you discover undeveloped and underdeveloped areas in coaching activities and behaviors and determine what area(s) of coaching may need more of your attention. Guaranteed!

 BONUS #3: Coaching Profile Inventory for Employees (Employee's Perception)™ ($87 Value)

This Instrument makes it simple to assess, through perceptions, the extent to which your managers engage in coaching activities and behaviors. Create a simple and effective coaching plan and start creating a climate conducive to coaching. Now!

 BONUS #4: The Coaching Session Script™ Explained for HR Pros ($47 Value)

The effectiveness of this process is that it will allow your coachee to dive fairly deep at a rapid pace while remaining safe and not forcing too much exposure before they are even ready. 

 BONUS #4: The Coaching Session Script™ Explained for HR Pros 
($47 Value)

The effectiveness of this process is that it will allow your coachee to dive fairly deep at a rapid pace while remaining safe and not forcing too much exposure before they are even ready. 

 BONUS #5: The Corridor Coaching Conversation™ Manager & Employee   ($17 Value)

What does an effective coaching conversation sound like? The Corridor Coaching Conversation™ Manager & Employee demonstrates how a ‘corridor coaching conversation’ might sound. The script also shows how a manager has applied one of our successful coaching models. 

 BONUS #6 Conversations Starters for Manager & Employee Check-in Meetings  ($37 Value)

This guide makes it simple for you to help your managers keep their conversations relevant, focused and valuable which helps you enhance the quality of their meetings and multiply your contribution to the organization many times over.

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What Others Are Saying About 
      The Executive Coaching Guide™

 "A must-have book for HR professionals! I have nearly 20 years of HR experience and have recently become an HR department of one. This is exactly the kind of book I need by my side to help guide me through coaching my managers, to then be able to coach their employees. The Executive Coaching Guide: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know is written by an HR professional for HR professionals. It is interesting and speaks our language. The guide is easy to follow, easy to learn, and easy to teach. It just takes practice, like everything else. This book is becoming my new best friend at work. Love it!"
Mona, HR Director
"A very comprehensive guide for all HR professionals. Whether you are new to the HR profession or at a senior level this book has something for everyone. It truly is a guide, one that will support you in the many facets that make up the Human Resources role in any organization and industry. I wish I had this book when I first began my HR career, but I am happy I have it now and will be utilizing it for future reference and support."
Josie, HEad of HR
"Leyda is at the top of the game. She’s a genius whose passion, brilliance and coaching methods are helping hundreds of HR Professionals. I wished I had this information 5 years ago. It would have put myself as an expert into hyper speed. You made this so easy to understand and implement. The steps to follow took away the fear of knowing where to start. Extremely excited! I can't recommend Leyda and her strategies highly enough."
marcia, shrm-cp 
"MIND BLOWN…it’s hard to find in-depth HR and COACHING-related information. I need HR-related executive coaching content with real questions and real examples. This was the MOST amazing guide ever. This is the stuff that no one ever taught me. I picked up vital new skills and gave me a whole new perspective about coaching. It all makes sense now. Thank you so much for providing so much value to our profession and sharing so many well-kept secrets."
Veronica, hr Generalist 
"This Coaching Guide is a lifesaver! The smartest investment I have ever made (time and money). It helped turn my coaching fears into confidence and achieve virtually all my leadership challenges. We are already seeing a huge difference! Definitely a great buy and asset for my library!" 
Raul, Admin. Asst/ HR Coordinator
"I am an HR Generalist (HR Department of One) and I recently realized that it would greatly benefit me to enhance my coaching skills. The Executive Coaching Guide, the tools, and the templates are a game-changer! I have been applying two of the coaching models already with my managers (I’m still practicing and using your questions every day!) One of my goals…is to use this guide as a blueprint to train my managers on how to use these coaching models so they can coach their employees! I am so grateful I found you!"
liz, hR generalist

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Special Offer Now!

This Executive Coaching Guide™ Offer Can't Last Forever... So Don't Wait!

Each of these tools were hand-picked for you!

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My entire goal is to share my company’s intel with you so you can feel empowered, inspired, confident and ready to add value to your team.

WITHOUT having to sift and struggle through a bunch of videos, books, audios, pdf’s, or courses.

Each chapter takes just a few quick minutes to digest...that’s it. Bite-sized and ready to go!

Let me help you build critical coaching skills so you can take your career and organization to new heights.

Just click the yellow button below to get started instantly.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the guide!

All my best,
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm giving you a limited offer of my 122+ page guide, "The Executive Coaching Guide - What Every HR Professional Needs To Know™" (PLUS Exclusive Bonuses) for only $7.00.

There's no catch... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't love the guide - I'll even refund your money.

So, Click the Button Below To Get Your Executive Coaching Guide™ Now. You Won't Regret It.

This is life changing...
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